
Archive for November, 2008

Hello everyone!

Welcome to my blog. I am Foster McCurley. Blogging is a new adventure for me. In retirement a person needs new adventures, and so–thanks to the encouragement of my daughter Dana and her husband Paul–blogging and podcasting will enable me to communicate anew with people interested in discussing spirituality, stewardship, and social justice.

During the past forty-six years I have devoted my passions and energy to examining the inspired witnesses whose testimony has been collected in the Bible. I lectured, wrote books and articles, and produced audiotapes to communicate my probable conclusions about why they wrote, what their audiences heard and read, what their lives were like as individuals and in their communities. Sometimes, when they were feeling blessed, they wrote and sang to God their praises. Other times they felt God-forsaken and lamented their individual and community griefs to their God.

In the midst of these various messages the biblical writers were searching for meaning. They struggled to understand who they were and how they got that way. They sought methods to demonstrate responsibility to God and their neighbors when things were rosy, and when life went sour, they longed desperately for hope and help.

On this site and in the podcasts that develop out of it, we will seek to identify with those ancient writers in their stories. We will then discuss how they in speaking to their times might assist us today to address concerns about spirituality, stewardship, and social justice.

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